/cyb/ - Cyberpunk Fiction and Fact

Cyberpunk is the idea that technology will condemn us to a future of totalitarian nightmares here you can discuss recent events and how technology has been used to facilitate greater control by the elites, or works of fiction

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Liberty Enlightening the Deep Web
Tor and The Hidden Wiki enlighten the world of the Deep Web.
If you have never visited if, please come and experience.
Download the Tor browser, please visit the following link.
It will surely be useful for you as a guidepost to the world of the Deep Web.
Do they also offer this through I2P?
Currently only available in Tor.
Bookmarked OP.

Signal Message App is compromised
>Court Docs Show FBI Can Intercept Encrypted Messages From Deep State-Backed ‘Signal’ App
>Signal may be compromised.
>When phones are in partial AFU mode, Signal messages can be seized by federal authorities and other potentially hostile interests. GrayKey and Cellebrite are the tools typically used by the FBI to gain this sensitive information, an expert has explained.

Also from 2017:
>WikiLeaks Says the CIA Can “Bypass” Secure Messaging Apps Like Signal. What Does That Mean?

Vintage /tech/
Does anyone else like older tech? I usually like computers and OS's from the 80's. If you have some old computers you like...plz share them
3 replies and 0 files omitted.
>tfw still running my shit on a LG flatron screen
I don't imagine using an old computer or OS because video games and software/hardware improvements are actually amazing
>love my 30 year old sennheiser headphones
>30 year old truck
hopefully I'll be able to 3d print parts for it in the coming decades since the junk yards are running out, thanks obama
>30+ year old tools
with lifetime warranties I've never utilized
>30+ year old cast iron, silverware, cutlery, china
all older than me
>really like old furniture and homes but own none
>tfw you will never get to take an LCD monitor and build it into a CRT monitor's casing purely for the aesthetic
What for? Just get a CRT. If you're lucky you can pick up a high-end one for cheap
my GPU only has HDMI ports and I have no adapters

Warning for Windows users, Windows sends screenshots of your actions to Microsoft every N minutes.mp4
Warning for Windows users, Windows sends screenshots of your actions to Microsoft every N minutes
Glownigger Trojan Horse Alert.
Warning for Windows users, Windows sends screenshots of your actions to Microsoft every N minutes
Download this application if you are a Windows user to disable all of those settings
Or change to Linux , what I truly recommend.
>Linux solution
If any anon decides to ditch the enemy's surveillance, here a couple of Linux installs for beginners.

>Ubuntu 20.04 Linux Install Tutorial (Focal Fossa) is a 2021 Guide on How to Install Ubuntu 20.04 Linux (Focal Fossa) on a computer, server, and/or vm of your choice. Run through the steps required to install Ubuntu 20.04 the Desktop Version on a system. Ubuntu 20.04 Linux Install Tutorial is intended for beginner users and shows all necessary steps.
>Ubuntu is one of the most used and user friendly linux distributions out there and there focus is offering a great free solution to linux with a great community for support. It deploys the GNOME desktop environment with its standard desktop installation and is available in different projects from Desktop, Server, IOT, and even embedded support. This is great place to start if you’re new to the linux experience and are looking for something with great support and stability. A lot of other distributions build off the Ubuntu distro and add their own tweaks. Which I’m sure we’ll be seeing a bunch of updates coming from other distros here in the next few weeks.

>Ubuntu 20.04 is a fantastic desktop Linux distribution, and in this video, I show off the process of wiping your drive and installing this distro as your only operating system.
Of course before to do anything, backup all your shit including bookmarks and passwords, just in case.
also >>>/cyb/1050 →
>Windows 10
If you have that installed, you DESERVE to be spied upon.

Voice of God.jpg
Voice to Skull technology and mind control
After years and many reports about people hearing voices inside their head, a commercial spinoff is unveiled. And the company doing it, is not in America, but Israel.

>New device puts music in your head. No headphones required.
>Imagine a world where you move around in your own personal sound bubble. You listen to your favorite tunes, play loud computer games, watch a movie or get navigation directions in your car — all without disturbing those around you.
>That's the possibility presented by "sound beaming," a new futuristic audio technology from Noveto Systems, an Israeli company. On Friday it will debut a desktop device that beams sound directly to a listener without the need for headphones.

Further reading:
>Ron Paul Forums (from 2008)
> Voice-to-Skull Technology
>"The technology called Voice to Skull is a projected sound/voice transmission into one's mind through the auditory nerves and bones instead of via the hearing organs of the ears. It cannot be blocked out; at least no such defense is known in the civilian world. Such takes away the inherent freedom a person has to the right of quiet and privacy in their inner thoughts. The injection of other people's words, thoughts, views, hostilities, demands, insults, etc into another's inner mind is a huge violation of a free person's rights. This technology exists just as it is described. Such capabilities that can be inflicted upon another is one step towards enslaving that person in various interpretations of "slavery." It is a psychological operation that I doubt any person could fully overcome if subjected to relentless projected voice over time.
>While this is often treated as amusing by some, the reality is that this is a highly abusive technology that violates an individual in ways not previously debated in an ethical society prior to its development and application. I know this technology exists because I have interviewed several leading IEEE's with dual PHD's and lifetimes of the highest level of achievement in their field. These are people with hundreds of patents with their names on them. One dual PHD who once headed MIT's Engineering laboratory described what the experience was to have this demonstrated on him. He got a kick out of it and found it fascinating. However, it was an experience of only a few moments in a friendly professional setting where he knew what to expect. If someone is subjected to relentless abusive input contrary to their values for 24 hours a day, for years on end, and is not a willing volunteer, it is not fascinating at all. In that case, it's a living nightmare. There is reason to believe that this technology has been used on non-volunteers. Further, there is reason to believe that this technology has long migrated beyond the realm of the classified military and into the black market. The cat is out of the bag as far as having the technology and it's operation kept as a military secret. Keep in mind that it IS a military technology.

>Voice to Skull Technology Is Embedded in 5G-Mind Control Reaches Its Apex (from 2018)
>Recently I has approached by a self-described “insider” who had at one time worked for DARPA. He insisted that the new 5G technology being rolled out across the country was both lethal and contained mind control elements that should alarm all people. I thought the claims were outrageous and with scientific justification. Don’t misunderstand me, I know that mind control exists, however, 5G being an element of mind control surprised me. Subsequently, I began a literature search and I found the mother load.
>patents describing how it work.
Joy, now I have to reverify that the voices aren't caused by the global homo.
The perfect way to mass introduce such nanoparticles would be if everyone was required to have an injection or somrthing.
All they have to do to make someone deaf is turn it all they way up. Literarily kill the parts of the brain for audio decoding.
I feel like society as a whole owes schizophrenics an apology. Mass surveillance, voice to skull, MK ultra, ect they were right about all of it.

Mac/Apple computers send out IP, open applications, TimeComputer, in cleartext.
Each time an application is opened on a Apple/Mac computer, that application hash is sent in cleartext along w/other identifying information over the internet. This can be picked up by anyone watching that computer's/network line, and can be used to profile users. Even more concerning are recent trends to prevent the blocking of these privacy violations...
Mirror: https://www.bitchute.com/video/RE3deTusH5Br/

1193 277438
In the nightmare cyberpunk world of 2020, everyone needs at least some human voices to find comfort. With the technology for any one to broadcast their voice but very few ways to spread it over the propaganda, podcasts become a new form of propaganda. But smart citizens, the underground, the horse fuckers and the nazis knew how to find the voices spreading truth and interesting conversations..

So tell me horse fucking nazis. What podcasts do you listen to?

riskybiz and not related

Post here every time you visit /cyb/
960 970 972 985 1027 1175
Surely we'll have more activity!
Pic related is crystals of Bismuth, the heaviest element with a 'stable' radioisotope Bismuth-209 decays with a half life of 1.9*10^19 years, lmao.
36 replies and 19 files omitted.
Hi! Also, cool pic
File (hide): 3D1BC749866593B3308A278C162F9272-2761972.webm (2.6 MB, Resolution:720x404 Length:00:00:17, robot_gift.webm) [play once] [loop]

Fictional cybernetic implants are cool
Not the pulp-scifi "putting this microchip in your spleen makes you strong because a scientist says so" but stuff that at least slightly makes sense, like enhancing your spine and arms via exoskeletons.
hey, just exploring to see if this board is better than /lain/
Welcome fren.

DIY bio
1186 288177
Biotechnology is rapidly advancing and becoming cheaper and easier to use. Genetic engineering once required a well funded research lab. Now genetic modification can be done as an undergraduate lab or even at home. There are many things that can all be done at home if you have know how and the right equipment, but if you are just starting out you will need:

>An incubator
You can find a used one on ebay for under $100 (be careful if you go on ebay some seller won't sell to the general public and others will sell broken goods) but you can find pretty good ones new for around $300-500 if you are just looking for something basic. You could also make one yourself there are lots of simple incubator designs online.

>A pressure cooker or autoclave
A pressure cooker will work for many applications at home, but if you really need something sterile you will need an autoclave. A good autoclave will cost you a couple hundred dollars.

You can buy specialty made plastic plates online or you can use a container made of polypropylene. (The container will be marked with a 5 in a recycle symbol) Polypropylene will survive an autoclave or a pressure cooker

>agar and/or nutrient broth
Different organisms will require different nutrients. So you will need different growth media for different projects. You can find different recipes here. https://wiki.bugwood.org/Diagnosticians_cookbook Please keep in mind that 99% of bacteria are considered "unculturalable" and many may require special conditions to survive on a culture.

>A microscope
Now depending on what you want to culture you will need a different microscope. If you are fine with just culturing fungi and other eukaryotes then you are fine with just a 400x microscope. If you want to culture prokaryotes (bacteria and archea) then you will need a microscope with at least 1000x magnification. A GOOD new brightfield microscope will run you about $300. I recommend a brightfield microscope for beginners as they are easy to use. You may need an oil immersion lense to see bacteria. If you get one of these becareful with it as the lense alone will cost between $50-100 and it can easily be scratched so you will need special whipes for it. You will need immersion oil to use it, but you might be able to get away with coconut oil. (https://lpulaguna.edu.ph/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/1-COCONUT-OIL-AS-AN-ALTERNATIVE-FOR-IMMERSION-OIL.pdf) No matte what you use make sure to clean it after every use.

In order to see bacteria or improve the viability of some cells you will need a stain. You can use malachite green or methyline blue for simple stains and they can be found either at a pharmacy or an aquarium supply store. Other staining reagents will have to be purchased online. Stains can be very helpful in identifying your organism. You can find many of them on amazon. Here is a small list of stains: https://bio.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Ancillary_Materials/Laboratory_Experiments/Microbiology_Labs/Book%3A_Laboratory_Exercises_in_Microbiology_(McLaughlin_and_Petersen)/03%3A_Preparation_of_Bacterial_Smears_and_Introduction_to_Staining/3.04%3A_Summary_of_Common_Bacterial_Staining_Techniques
1183 1186
Just a couple of notes I forgot to include in the OP. The DIYbio and biohacker communities are full of trannies and as you would expect the communities are pozzed as hell. So just be aware of that.

For anyone here concerned about bioterrorism. The vast majority of microbes are not pathogenic, and their are plenty of peaceful purposes for microbes. Most pathogens require special labs and techniques to culture anyways. Cosmetics, biopolymers, fertilizer, probiotics, fuelcells, biofuels, bioremediation just to name a few. Please do not use this thread for anything illegal that includes the production of medicine or diagnosis of diseases without a medical license. I'm not going to argue on the ethics of those laws, but you can get in a lot of trouble for that shit. Supplements on the other hand you are free to discuss.
1185 1186
OP, I think you missed the target, this is a board where NEETs meet to enjoy ponies and shitposting. Nothing so sophisticated as bio knowledge.
Do you like football?
But this is /cyb/...
There are also several companies that do DNA custom genesplicing as well.
>The DIYbio and biohacker communities are full of trannies and as you would expect the communities are pozzed as hell.
Yes. Keep an eye open when something is funky.
Someone like this has some good information, but the politics and world understanding is lacking.
It's also worth mentioning that many larger organisms reject foreign DNA to an extent.
It's nice to know more about the world.
Dont fret anon. While anon's enthusiasm for Football is right and proper, as it first began when John Elway first uttered the most Football and important word of Football: "Football", this is precisely the board for this thread, and thank you for posting it

1141 1142 1144
Today I learned about Birch Worlds for the first time.
They say that if a Black Hole is large enough, the gravity just above its event horizon will be about equal to earth's gravity.
Therefore, one can build a fucking huge artificial shell-world planet built around this black hole to exploit the earthlike gravity at the extreme planet size.
Because normally, a bigger planet means more gravity.
But black holes can piss all over that.
"They allow for normal gravity at extreme planet sizes", says the guy who told me about these.
The bigger the black hole is, the larger the shell around it can be.
"A theoretically infinite number of people could exist on a massive artificial planet built around a sufficiently large black hole, especially if a system of multiple layers of false world is built into the false planet, since there would be little meaningful difference in the gravity between one layer and another" says the birch world fans.
They say that on such a planet, the world would be so large that the world would seem flat to a normal person on the ground. Incomprehensibly large and utterly flat. A single lifetime of endless air travel in a single direction couldn't take you to where you started.
There's only one way to make this even more intense: Add a method for this colossal artificial world to generate energy from the black hole it's built around, letting it become self-sufficient.
Literally the only downside (besides standard theoretical science "bruh what's stopping the fake world from moving too much to one side and getting eaten by the black hole" stuff) is that trying to get off this world would be a bitch. Achieving escape velocity would be tricky.
Still, is that sick or what? A fucking huge theoretical artificial earthlike world that exploits a black hole to gain earthlike gravity.

I know this board is meant for doom-and-gloom science that could create a dystopia, but where else could I post this? The self-improvement board? The sports and shitposting board? The front page, despite its lack of relevance to politics or ponies?

Then again on such a world, long-distance communication between people would be a pain in the ass. FTL communication would be needed for any group to control the whole planet and that's probably never happening. The world's governors would be restricted to governing local areas. The word of a ruler and his rule would end at places his word and soldiers can't travel to in time.
wait I probably need to make this sufficiently grimdark. uh...

Imagine if a corrupt government imprisoned dissenters, removed their brains and put them in self-sustaining cyber-jars rigged to keep the brain alive and simulate pain in the brain, and then stored these jars on an incomprehensibly large Birch World.

There would be so much motherfucking room. There could be millions of tortured brains. Billions. Fuckillions. It would be horrible.
It would be awesome.
A book or sci-fi work about a constantly expanding birch world. Where over time the world is being pulled apart for new populations.
A real incredible thing to have in any kind of tech is time-space manipulation.
Technically it is possible to achieve time travel as well, but the raw material and construction would exhaust the entire universe.
Is this what you are talking about?
Yeah thats where i learned about it
The stellaris mod
though personally I think a galaxy wide megaslice ringworld thing is better, since it is galaxy wide. That's probably bigger than a reallybigblack hole.
This is only theoretically possible, in practicality, the mass of the structure itself would generate its own gravity and rip itself apart with the slightest of movements. You'd need a super light, super strong material to build it, and you'd need more material than a single galaxy could even provide. Say you could construct it out of pure hydrogen, the most common element in the universe, there wouldn't be enough in this entire galaxy to do it.
Fuck, you're probably right.
I bet a system of normal-ass but huge space stations orbiting around real suns would be more efficient.

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